Making Holidays Bright for the Elderly

The holidays can be a time of loneliness for many, especially the elderly The holidays can be a reminder of loved ones lost. For many energy and mobility levels often decrease during cold weather, resulting in feelings of lost independence. Neighborhoods can change over time, leaving even those well enough to remain in their own homes feeling lonely and disconnected from the community they live in.

How can we make the holidays better for the elderly around us? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Bring in a small Christmas Tree for your clients and have them help you decorate it. It is important when people are house bound to include them in festivities that they can no longer do for themselves.
  • Cook one of their favorite recipes and bring it to their door. Sit and eat with them while enjoying some good conversation. Taking the time to visit with someone can make a huge difference in their outlook.
  • Ask if they would like to send out holiday cards and assist them with it. Writing can be a hardship for those with arthritis or are losing their vision due to age. Assisting them with this can bring them joy beyond measure. For many of them it lets them say things to friends and family they might not have an opportunity to otherwise say.
  • Help them get on the internet and Facetime family and friends especially if their family lives hours away.
  • Pick them up and take them out to that Christmas Bazaar or local holiday play.
  • Watch a great holiday movie together. Holiday Movies

These are just a few ideas to help you get started on what you can do to share and spread some holiday cheer to the elderly within the community.

Written by: Marissa Newman on 11/14/2021

Having a Loved One with Dementia

When it comes to Dementia, many people may think that it is simply a disease. Although, Dementia is not any specific Disease and is definitely not simple.  Dementia is a common reference for someone who begins to lose the ability to remember, think of, or still make decisions like they normally would during their everyday activities. Dementia generally affects adults 65 and older but is not a normal part of aging.

Normal Aging consists of developing weaker muscles and bones, problems with stiffening Vessels or Arteries, and normal age-related memory issues, such as:

  • Forgetting or mixing up a loved one’s name.
  • Having a hard time remembering a certain word during conversations and sentences.
  • More than occasionally misplacing an item like their Car Keys, TV Remote, Etc.

Alzheimer’s Disease

There are many different types of Dementia, but Alzheimer’s Disease makes up 60 to 80 percent of Dementia cases. It generally begins with not remembering a conversation or event that happened within minutes to a couple of hours previous. It may progress to more essential memories such as their past or previous family recollections. If you have a first-degree family member with or had Alzheimer’s disease, it can increase your potential risk of developing dementia later in life, 10 to 30 percent.

  • Treating Dementia is an ongoing research, it has provided a couple Medications that may help manage or protect the brain from symptoms such as Anxiety and Behavior.
  • It is important to remember that keeping a healthy lifestyle can be a key factor into preventing later health issues. A clean diet, regular exercise and a healthy social life can help reduce risks of developing a form of Dementia.

Caring & Understanding for A Loved One with Dementia

When trying to communicate to a loved one who has Dementia, remember to:

  • Always try and avoid escalating any anger or upset behavior.
  • Remember that Aggression is a natural reaction to feeling scared or helpless.
  • Try to empathize with your loved one and never try to force them to adapt to your communication style, or anything that is farfetched from their normal routine. It does not help and could potentially do more harm than good.

Keep in mind that more advanced stages of Dementia will require more Intensive care. Their surroundings will also start to make a huge impact. Normal home appliances and products may not be safe to leave around your loved one anymore. As their memory and cognitive skills start to worsen, they might harm themselves or others by not remembering the proper use of or what certain things even are. For example, turning on a stovetop and either touching it or forgetting about it, opening or unlocking the front door and wandering into the street, or simply away from their home without being seen. Many factors could be a possible hardship for keeping someone with Dementia safe.

It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel completely responsible for the care of your loved one. Although, when it comes a time, it is important to reach out for help. Hiring a professional In-Home Care Company will not only give your loved one high-quality care, but it will also provide relief so you can continue taking care of your other family members, as well as yourself. In knowing that your loved one is in safe hands.,4%20Knowing%20when%20to%20ask%20for%20help.%20

Written by Emalee Walton


What is a person trying to communicate through behavior?

Experts say that all types of behavior are forms of communication. Behavior problems
surface for many reasons. If you can identify the reason for the behavior, you can have a better idea of how to handle it.

Common causes of Behavior problems:
– Fatigue
– Medications
– Frustration
– Dementia / Alzheimer’s / Other Brain Disorders
– Established Behavior Patterns
– Outside Conflicts
– Desire for Attention (children especially)

Oftentimes, dysfunctional behavior increases at the
end of the day as stress builds and the person becomes
tired. Pacing and wandering are clues that tension and
anxiety are building. Certain stressors can trigger agitated behaviors.

Ignoring agitation behaviors is one of the worst
things you can do. Try to discover the problem that is
prompting the behavior, and fix the problem if you can.

Common triggers of agitation behavior in clients with Dementia.

– Fatigue
– Sudden or frequent changes in their environment. Sameness and routine help to
minimize stress.
– Responses to overwhelming environmental stimuli. Excessive noise,
commotion, or people can trigger agitation behavior. Large group activities can
be disturbing.
– Excessive demands. Caregivers and family must accept the fact that the
dementia client has lost and continues to lose mental functions. Pushing these
clients to improve their capabilities will only cause stress.

Dealing with challenging behavior is never easy. Caring for a client with
dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other brain disorders poses many problems for
caregivers. Keep an open mind and be patient.

Suggestions for dealing with common behavior

Angry/Agitated Behavior

• Determine whether medications are causing adverse side effects.
• Reduce caffeine intake.
• In severe cases, and as a last resort, medication may be prescribed to
keep a dementia client calm.
• Reduce outside noise, clutter, or the number of people in the room. Keep
objects and furniture in the same places.
• Help the confused person by making calendars and clocks available.
• Familiar objects and photographs may offer a sense of security and
remind the person of pleasant memories.
• Gentle soothing music, reading, or walks
may help an agitated client.
• Do not try to restrain a client during an
• Keep dangerous objects out of reach.
• Acknowledge the client’s anger over the loss of control in his/her life. Say
that you understand the person’s frustration.
• Distract with a snack or an activity.
• Limit choices. Instead of asking, “What would you like for lunch, soup or a
sandwich?” Say, “Here’s a sandwich” or “How about some Fruit?”
• Allow them to forget the troubling incident. Confronting a confused person
may increase anxiety.

Repetitive Phrases and Actions

• Avoid reminding the client that he/she just repeated the same phrase
or asked the same question. Ignoring the repeated phrase or question
may work in some cases.
• Agitated behavior or pulling at clothing may indicate a need to use the
• Do not discuss plans until immediately prior to an event.


• Explain to family members that suspicious accusations are part of the
• Check out paranoid behaviors with the client’s doctor.
• If the dementia client says money or an object is missing, Assist him in
locating it. Avoid arguing. Try to learn his/her favorite hiding places.

Wandering and Pacing

• A person who paces incessantly may burn off too many calories. Also,
pacing may turn into wandering. Provide inviting places for the pacer to sit
and relax.
• Locking a client in his room or restraining him in a chair is inappropriate.
Implement activities and adjust the environment to relieve agitation.
• Put away items such as coats, purses, or eyeglasses. Some clients with
dementia will not wander without taking certain personal articles with
them. If they can’t find them, they won’t leave.
• Provide regular exercise and rest to minimize restlessness.
• Dark-colored mats placed in front of doors may prevent the client from
stepping outside. Black or dark blue areas may look like holes in the
ground to a client with dementia, prompting the person to avoid the area.

Hoarding or Gathering

• Provide the client with a safe place where he/she can store items, such
as a canvas bag.


• Assist client to the bathroom every two hours (or ask family members to do
• Limit fluid intake in the evening before bedtime.
• Place a commode at the bedside at night.
• Use signs to indicate which door leads to the bathroom.

Sleep Disturbance or Nighttime Agitation

• Make sure the living quarters are safe—put away dangerous items and
lock the kitchen door.
• Try soothing music.
• Keep the curtains closed to shut out darkness.
• If hallucinations are a problem, keep the room well lit to decrease
shadow effects that can be confusing. Remove shadowy lighting,
televisions, dolls, etc.
• Use medications as a last resort.


• Maintain eye contact to help keep attention.
• Use short simple sentences.
• Avoid negative sentences such as “Don’t go outside.” Instead, say
“Stay inside.”
• Speak slowly and clearly.
• Encourage the client to talk about familiar places, interests, and past

Adjusting the person’s surroundings or activities can help. Some simple, basic
interventions can be used to ease agitation behaviors.

Music therapy. Some studies have proved that playing calming music can lead to a
decrease in agitation. Music may be played during meals, baths, or relaxation.
Exercise and movement. Light chair exercises can help to maintain the function of limbs
and decrease problem behaviors.
Activities. Look for activities that the client enjoyed in the past.
Socialization. Human interaction is essential for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Large
groups are out, but a volunteer can converse, reminisce, or engage in activities with a
client. Sometimes videos are good for clients with advanced dementia because they
mimic a conversation or a sing-along.

Emalee Walton, May 3, 2021

Would you like to learn more? 10 Elderly Behavior Problems and How to Handle Them –